I love working with strong, smart women
(even when they don’t know how strong and smart they are!) Women who have many interests but need some help sorting out their options. Women with life experience may be interested in exploring their spirituality. These women because they are the backbone of their families and of our society. They are the influencers and teachers for tomorrow’s women and men.
Areas To Explore With Me
Need help in one of these areas of your life? Let’s talk. I offer a complimentary 30-minute phone call to see if we’re a good match!
Women Over 70:
Are you a woman who is nearly or NOW over 70? Life is so different for us. There are so many things to explore about ourselves. How do we navigate this life? Our interests and passions change as we grow into older adults. What are you passionate about now? Are you pursuing it? What help do you need to find joy and peace in this chapter?
Would you love to add spirituality into your daily life? Want to be sane throughout the day? Maybe you’d like to feel like you’re bringing more of your integrity into the workplace. or walking and talking your values.
Transitions can come at any time in any form. Perhaps you’ve had a significant death in your life. Finding our way after the loss of a loved one can be incredibly difficult. Grief takes over. Let’s discuss what you need to help you move into your life in a new, more authentic, way.
Work and Retirement: are forms of transitioning into another life!
Is your current job sapping all the joy out of you? Is it time to pursue that home business you’ve wanted to start? Ready to go back to school and figure you’re too old and a bit scared? Did you just retire, divorce, or did the kids leave home, and NOW you’re ready for a new start?
Life after retirement, empty-nest, or even divorce isn’t THE END. The WORLD just opens up wider to take you in!
Does a lack of confidence keep you from doing those cool things that would make your life exciting? Maybe it keeps you from taking risks with your work that would take you from ho-hum to happy-dance!
These are JUST the times when a coach can help you! Get clear, get focused, and get moving

My values, beliefs, and philosophy
We are all connected―we help each other and it helps us as well. The Universe has our back! We have more potential to achieve our dreams than we can even IMAGINE!
• Take it one step at a time. Life can seem overwhelming at times, especially when we are trying new things. When tasks are broken into small steps, it’s a lot easier to accomplish our objectives.
• If one way doesn’t work, try another! Frustration can lead to despair, but by looking at ideas or concepts from different angles it becomes easier to figure things out—find a different way to approach your goal.
• Perception IS reality! Believing yourself is critical to how you are perceived by others. Your perceptions are mirrored by others and so how you present yourself is key to how they see you.
• Goals without timetables are just dreams. It’s important to identify the steps to achieving your goals as well as the time frame in which you hope to accomplish them.
My coaching style
My coaching is a mixture of friend, expert, been-there-done-that, listener, and deep questioner. We’ll start with a free 45-minute phone consultation to make sure I’m a good match for you. Once you’ve decided to hire me as your coach, I’ll send you my special forms that are fun and give you a chance to take a look at yourself in a new way. From there, we’ll begin our sessions and discover your dreams.